Isaac Victor Kerlow

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Earth Observatory of Singapore, Pratt Institute, Columbia University, The Walt Disney Company

Other / Past Affiliation(s):

  • The Walt Disney Company


  • Mexico City, Mexico


  • SIGGRAPH ???

    Isaac Kerlow (Ke Yi Xiao) is an artist and filmmaker whose work deals with change, abstraction, riddles and the human condition. He is considered one of the pioneers of digital art, and continues to create with digital technology and traditional techniques.

    Currently Isaac is Artist-in-Residence and Principal Investigator at the Earth Observatory of Singapore. He is also the Founding Dean and full Professor in the School of Art, Design and Media (ADM) at the Nanyang Technological University (NTU).

    Between 1995-2004 Isaac worked at Disney, in Los Angeles, experimenting with new media in entertainment, moviemaking, animation and games. In his early academic career Isaac was the Founding Chairman of the Department of Computer Graphics and Interactive Media at Pratt Institute in New York City, and the youngest full professor ever tenured at that institution.

    Some of his recent projects include Sudden Nature, Mayon: The Volcano Princess, and Earth Girl.

    Isaac is also the author of several best-selling books, including the successful 4th edition of The Art of 3D Computer Animation and Effects published by Wiley and translated to Chinese (traditional and simplified), Japanese and Russian.

    Isaac is an active participant in international seminars and festivals. He was Festival Director for the SIGGRAPH 2010 Computer Animation Festival, on the Advisory Board of FMX, and the technology committee of the American Society of Cinematographers. During 2009 he was Artist-in-Residence at Microsoft Research Asia in Beijing, China. Click here for some of Isaac’s writings.

    SIGGRAPH 1991

    Fine Arts and Design Juror, Chairman Isaac Victor Kerlow is an artist and designer who has worked with computer graphics technology since 1980. Mr. Kerlow is also Associate Professor of Computer Graphics and founding Chairman of the Computer Graphics Department at Pratt Institute, where he developed a B.F.A. and an M.F.A. Programs in Computer Graphics for the School of Art and Design. Mr. Kerlow has lectured and written books and articles on computer-based visual creation in several languages, including The Student Edition of PageMaker 4.0, published this year by Addison- Wesley, and Computer Graphics for Designers and Artists, a reference and textbook he co-authored in 1986. His computer-generated art- work, including his work with 3D computer graphics, printmaking and painting, has been exhibited at inter- national museums. Mr. Kerlow is currently working on a new project that examines the influence of electronic technology on the creation, distribution and consumption of artistic imagery and visual information.

Art Show Organizing Committee Chair:

Experience Category: Organizing Committee Chair:

Learning Category: Organizing Committee Chair:

Course Organizer:

Experience Category: Organizing Committee Member:

Learning Category: Organizing Committee Member:

Exhibition Category: Jury Member:

Experience Category: Jury Member:

Learning Category: Jury Member:


Experience Category Collaboration(s):

Learning Category: Presentation(s):


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