SIGGRAPH 1991: Art and Design Show



  • Isaac Victor Kerlow -
    • Earth Observatory of Singapore
    • Pratt Institute
    • Columbia University
    • The Walt Disney Company

Art Show Overview:

Welcome to the SIGGRAPH ’91 Art and Design Show!

This year’s show continues with the SIGGRAPH tradition of showcasing some of the most outstanding visual works created with the aid of computer graphics technology. But this year’s show also has a new facet. For the first time in its history, this year’s show has two distinct components: fine arts and design.

The show is now presented as the SIGGRAPH ’91 Art and Design Show. The addition of a design category was made in light of the increasing number of submissions to the show that were never intended to be seen – or judged – as fine arts pieces, but instead were created as designs for business or communications purposes. In recent years many of these pieces were not included in the show because the show was conceived as a fine arts show instead of an event where different kinds of visual works created and produced with the aid of computer technology could be viewed. To recognize the increasing number of design submissions to the SIGGRAPH show, we expanded the show’s scope to include such works.

Isaac Victor Kerlow
Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, New York
Chairman of the SIGGRAPH ’91
Art and Design Show


Additional Documents:


A project of this scope required the coop­eration, advice and support of many indi­viduals and companies. We are particular­ly grateful to all the dedicated volunteers who helped make this project possible.

The members of the SIGGRAPH ’91 Art and Design Show Committee provided guidance, advice and support: Timothy Binkley, Eleanor Flomenhaft, Cynthia Goodman, John Grimes, Sonya Haferkorn, Kent Hunter, Tom Linehan, David Peters, Wendy Richmond, Donald Rorke, and Judson Rosebush.
Carolyn Cahill, my assistant, made valu­able contributions. She attended to the many day-to-day details and organization­al tasks such a project demands with intel­ligence, patience and humor.

Many graduate students at Pratt Institute contributed to this project. Iris Benado assisted me with the space layout, and coordinated the drafting and installation of the show. HyeKyung Kim, Alexandra Lecomte, Don Noone, and Suntaree Palasingh helped with data entry, compi­lation of slides and background informa­tion, filing and retrieval. Ashwini Jambotkar helped with the video pre-pro­duction for all animation entries.

I am grateful to Mike Bailey and Carol Byram, SIGGRAPH ’91 co-chairs, for their trust and support. Molly Morgan-Kuhns, SIGGRAPH ’91 conference coordinator, provided invaluable help for getting things done.

I am also grateful to Tom Linehan and Mark Resch, past SIGGRAPH art show chairs, and to Richard Beach, past SIGGRAPH editor-in-chief, for their sym­pathy and encouragement. My job would have been much more difficult without their valuable insights.

Many companies donated time, talent, and money to make the SIGGRAPH ’91 Art and Design Show a reality. Their con­tributions are recognized by the ACM/ SIGGRAPH community.

The following companies contributed towards the production costs of this pub­lication: Apple Computer, SOFTIMAGE, RasterOps, and Wavefront Technologies. Special recognition goes to Goodsight Images in New York City for donating much of their color and imagesetting ser­vices.

Isaac Victor Kerlow

Exhibition Artworks: