David Peters

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Two Twelve Associates, Inc.


  • SIGGRAPH 1991

    David Peters is an Associate of Two Twelve Associates, Inc. in New York City, where he is the designer of interactive and electronic media projects. As consultant to Citicorp/ Citibank, he has been developing the interface for the next generation of touch-screen banking machines. His interest in design culture led him to Dusseldorf, Germany where he spent two years learning European design firsthand: He created the corporate identities and packaging that launched several hardware and soft- ware companies. Previously, Mr. Peters co-founded Graphic Design Associates, one of the first design consultancies in Atlantic Canada. As principal he directed design pro- grams for numerous institutions of the arts, commerce, and government. He taught at the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design and served as president of the Graphic Designers of Canada/Atlantic Chapter. In Manhattan, he occasion- ally lectures at The New School for Social Research and is currently co- chair of the MacUsers group of the American Institute of Graphic Arts/New York Chapter.

Exhibition Category: Jury Member:

Learning Category: Presentation(s):


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