Kent Hunter

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Frankfurt Gips Balkind, Creative Director


  • SIGGRAPH 1991

    As creative director of Frankfurt Gips Balkind, an integrated communications agency based in New York and Los Angeles, Kent Hunter directs a team of designers on assignments that include annual reports, corporate magazines and newsletters, book projects, posters, and multi-media presentations. Mr. Hunter oversees the execution of design from concept to finish on a company-wide Apple Macintosh computer network. Designers create print publications, video storyboards, 3D visuals, and advertising layouts at their electronic work stations. The mechanicals are then finalized and output by an in- house electronic production department. Mr. Hunter’s work has been recognized by the AIGA, Mead Show, AR 100, Communication Arts, STA 100, Graphis, The Society of Publication Designers, and the New York Art Directors Club. Among his most recent honors are award-winning annual reports for Time Warner, Associated Press, and The Limited.

Exhibition Category: Jury Member:


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