Cynthia Goodman

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Author, Independent

Other / Past Affiliation(s):

  • Independent Curator
  • Guggenheim Museum


  • SIGGRAPH 1991

    Cynthia Goodman is an independent art critic and curator in New York City. Dr. Goodman received a Ph.D. in Art History from the University of Pennsylvania, and also specializes in Art and Technology. She authored the book Digital Visions: Computers and Art, which was published in con- junction with the Computers and Art exhibit at the Everson Museum in Syracuse in 1987. She has worked at the IBM Gallery of Science and Art since 1988 as program director and, more recently, on a consulting basis. Before that, Dr. Goodman was working on a Prototype Computer Project for the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum in New York. Dr. Goodman has participated in numerous lectures and panels addressing the history of computer art and its aesthetics, and has acted as director for the Arttransition ’90 conference at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Exhibition Category: Jury Member:

Art Paper(s):

Learning Category: Presentation(s):


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