“Computer Graphics for Designers and Artists” Chaired by

  • ©Susan Bickford, Charles Bigelow, Steven K. Feiner, Andy Kopra, Mark Lindquist, Barry Milliken, Hilary Mills, Michael J. O'Rourke, Judson Rosebush, Susan Van Baerle, and James (Jim) Ver Hague



    The visual language of computers/Kerlow
    Computer graphics in art and design education/Ver Hague
    Principles of font design for the personal workstation/Bigelow
    Two-dimensional computer animation and live action production/Lindquist
    Computer-aided architecture at SOM/Milliken
    How to produce and direct computer graphics/Rosebush
    A classification methodology for computer-generated images/Kerlow
    Educational and entertainment software/Mills
    Three-dimensional computer animation/Kopra
    Three-dimensional character computer animation/Van Baerle
    Purchasing the best computer graphics system/Bickford
    Computers, sculpture and three-dimensionality/O’Rourke
    First steps towards intelligent design systems/Feiner

Contributed By:

    Maxine Brown


    In the collection of Maxine Brown

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