Xiaohu Guo
Most Recent Affiliation(s):
- The University of Texas at Dallas
Other / Past Affiliation(s):
- Samsung Research America
Learning Category: Presentation(s):
Type: [Technical Papers]
Globally Consistent Normal Orientation for Point Clouds by Regularizing the Winding-Number Field Presenter(s): [Xu] [Dou] [Wang] [Xin] [Chen] [Jiang] [Guo] [Wang] [Tu]
Type: [Technical Papers]
Medial Elastics: Efficient and Collision-ready Deformation via Medial Axis Transform Presenter(s): [Lan] [Luo] [Fratarcangeli] [Xu] [Wang] [Guo] [Yao] [Yang]
Type: [Posters]
Scan2Avatar: Automatic Rigging for 3D Raw Human Scans Presenter(s): [Ni] [Luo] [Zhang] [Budagavi] [Dickerson] [Nagar] [Guo]
Entry No.: [15]
Type: [Technical Papers]
Computing a high-dimensional euclidean embedding from an arbitrary smooth riemannian metric Presenter(s): [Zhong] [Wang] [Levy] [Hua] [Guo]
Entry No.: [62]
Type: [Technical Papers]
Mesh arrangements for solid geometry Presenter(s): [Li] [Wang] [Sun] [Guo] [Zhang] [Wang]
Type: [Technical Papers]
Particle-based anisotropic surface meshing Presenter(s): [Zhong] [Guo] [Wang] [Levy] [Sun] [Mao] [Liu]
Type: [Posters]
Tongue visualization for specified speech task Presenter(s): [Yang] [Guo]
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