“Physical Mesh Data Structures” by Akleman, Ke and Wu

  • ©Ergun Akleman, Shenyao Ke, and You Wu

  • ©Ergun Akleman, Shenyao Ke, and You Wu

  • ©Ergun Akleman, Shenyao Ke, and You Wu

  • ©Ergun Akleman, Shenyao Ke, and You Wu

  • ©Ergun Akleman, Shenyao Ke, and You Wu

  • ©Ergun Akleman, Shenyao Ke, and You Wu

  • ©Ergun Akleman, Shenyao Ke, and You Wu

  • ©Ergun Akleman, Shenyao Ke, and You Wu

  • ©Ergun Akleman, Shenyao Ke, and You Wu

  • ©Ergun Akleman, Shenyao Ke, and You Wu

  • ©Ergun Akleman, Shenyao Ke, and You Wu

  • ©Ergun Akleman, Shenyao Ke, and You Wu

  • ©Ergun Akleman, Shenyao Ke, and You Wu

  • ©Ergun Akleman, Shenyao Ke, and You Wu



Entry Number: 09


    Physical Mesh Data Structures



    In this work, we demonstrate that existing mesh data structures in computer graphics can be used to categorize physical polygonal models. Based on this categorization, we develop a system to unfold any polygonal mesh based on widely used mesh-data structures. Using our system, any shape can be constructed by using laser-cut developable panels based on one of the existing mesh data structures. This categorization is also useful for the creation and classification of geometric toys. It is particularly useful to develop new construction methods for complicated sculptural and architectural shapes.


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©Ergun Akleman, Shenyao Ke, and You Wu ©Ergun Akleman, Shenyao Ke, and You Wu ©Ergun Akleman, Shenyao Ke, and You Wu ©Ergun Akleman, Shenyao Ke, and You Wu ©Ergun Akleman, Shenyao Ke, and You Wu ©Ergun Akleman, Shenyao Ke, and You Wu ©Ergun Akleman, Shenyao Ke, and You Wu ©Ergun Akleman, Shenyao Ke, and You Wu


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