Falai Chen
Learning Category: Presentation(s):
Type: [Technical Papers]
Computing the Singularities of Rational Parametric Surfaces Using Moving Planes Presenter(s): [Jia] [Chen] [Yao]
Type: [Technical Papers]
Construction of Manifolds via Compatible Sparse Representations Presenter(s): [Wang] [Liu] [Yang] [Wang] [Shan] [Deng] [Chen]
Type: [Technical Papers]
Decoupling noise and features via weighted ℓ1-analysis compressed sensing Presenter(s): [Wang] [Yang] [Liu] [Deng] [Chen]
Type: [Technical Papers]
Joint-aware manipulation of deformable models Presenter(s): [Xu] [Wang] [Yin] [Zhou] [Panne] [Chen] [Guo]
Type: [Technical Papers]
Implicitization using moving curves and surfaces Presenter(s): [Sederberg] [Chen]
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