“Implicitization using moving curves and surfaces” by Sederberg and Chen

  • ©Thomas (Tom) W. Sederberg and Falai Chen




    Implicitization using moving curves and surfaces



    This paper presents a radically new approach to the century old problem of computing the implicit equation of a parametric surface. For surfaces without base points, the new method expresses the implicit equation in a determinant which is one fourth the size of the conventional expression based on Dixon’s resultant. If base points do exist, previous implicitization methods either fail or become much more complicated, while the new method actually simplifies. The new method is illustrated using the bicubic patches from Newell’s teapot model. Dixon’s method can successfully implicitize only 8 of those 32 patches, expressing the implicit equation as an 18 x 18 determinant. The new method successfully implicitizes all 32 of the patches. Four of the implicit equations can be written as 3 x 3 determinants, eight can be written as 4 x 4 determinants, and the remaining 20 implicit equations can be written using 9 x 9 determinants.


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