“Shadow theatre: discovering human motion from a sequence of silhouettes”

  • ©Jungdam Won and Jehee Lee




    Shadow theatre: discovering human motion from a sequence of silhouettes

Session/Category Title:   EXPRESSIVE ANIMATION




    Shadow theatre is a genre of performance art in which the actors are only visible as shadows projected on the screen. The goal of this study is to generate animated characters, the shadows of which match a sequence of target silhouettes. This poses several challenges. The motion of multiple characters are carefully coordinated to form a target silhouette on the screen, and each character’s pose should be stable, balanced, and plausible. The resulting character animation should be smooth and coherent spatially and temporally. We formulate the problem as nonlinear constrained optimization with objectives, which were designed to generate plausible human motions. Our optimization algorithm was primarily inspired by the heuristic strategies of professional shadow theatre actors. Their know-how was studied and then incorporated into our optimization formulation. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach with a variety of target silhouettes and 3D fabrication of the results.


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