David Kim
Most Recent Affiliation(s):
- Nankai University, Microsoft Research
Learning Category: Presentation(s):
Type: [Technical Papers]
Fusion4D: real-time performance capture of challenging scenes Presenter(s): [Dou] [Khamis] [Degtyarev] [Davidson] [Fanello] [Kowdle] [Rhemann] [Kim] [Taylor] [Kohli] [Tankovich] [Izadi]
Type: [Talks (Sketches)]
SemanticPaint: Interactive Segmentation and Learning of 3D World Presenter(s): [Valentin] [Vineet] [Cheng] [Kim] [Shotton] [Kohli] [Nießner] [Criminisi] [Izadi] [Torr]
Entry No.: [77]
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