Julien P. C. Valentin
Most Recent Affiliation(s):
- Google, University of Oxford
Learning Category: Presentation(s):
Type: [Technical Papers]
Deep reflectance fields: high-quality facial reflectance field inference from color gradient illumination Presenter(s): [Meka] [Häne] [Pandey] [Zollhöfer] [Fanello] [Fyffe] [Kowdle] [Yu] [Busch] [Dourgarian] [Denny] [Bouaziz] [Lincoln] [Whalen] [Harvey] [Taylor] [Izadi] [Tagliasacchi] [Debevec] [Theobalt] [Valentin] [Rhemann]
Type: [Courses]
Differentiable Graphics With Tensorflow 2.0 Organizer(s): [Bouaziz]
Presenter(s): [Bouaziz] [Wicke] [Valentin] [Bailey] [Gordon] [Häne] [Mordvintsev] [Carter]
Entry No.: [10]
Type: [Technical Papers]
Efficient and precise interactive hand tracking through joint, continuous optimization of pose and correspondences Presenter(s): [Taylor] [Bordeaux] [Cashman] [Corish] [Keskin] [Sharp] [Soto] [Sweeney] [Valentin] [Luff] [Topalian] [Wood] [Khamis] [Kohli] [Izadi] [Banks] [Fitzgibbon] [Shotton]
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