Shahram Izadi

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Microsoft Research, Google Inc., Nankai University, Senior Research Scientist


  • SIGGRAPH 2014

    Shahram Izadi is a senior research scientist within Microsoft Research Cambridge. He co-­leads the Interactive 3D Technologies (I3D) group, and holds a visiting professorship in the Virtual Environments and Computer Graphics (VECG) group at University College London (UCL). He describes his work as: mashing together exotic sensing and display hardware with signal processing, vision and graphics algorithms to create new interactive systems, which enable users to experience computing in magical ways. His group has had many notable projects and publications to date including: KinectFusion; KinEtre; Vermeer; HoloDesk; Mouse 2.0; SurfacePhysics; SecondLight; and ThinSight. Shahram has been at Microsoft Research since 2005 and prior to that spent time at Xerox PARC. He received a TR35 award in 2009 and was nominated one of the Microsoft Next in 2012. He lives in Cambridge, UK, with his wife and daughter.  


Learning Category: Presentation(s):

Learning Category: Moderator:


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