“Additive light field displays: realization of augmented reality with holographic optical elements” by Lee, Jang, Moon and Cho

  • ©Seungjae Lee, Changwon Jang, Seokil Moon, Jaebum Cho, and Byoungho Lee




    Additive light field displays: realization of augmented reality with holographic optical elements

Session/Category Title:   COMPUTATIONAL DISPLAY




    We propose a see-through additive light field display as a novel type of compressive light field display. We utilize holographic optical elements (HOEs) as transparent additive layers. The HOE layers are almost free from diffraction unlike spatial light modulator layers, which makes this additive light field display more advantageous when modifying the number of layers, thickness, and pixel density compared with conventional compressive displays. Meanwhile, the additive light field display maintains advantages of compressive light field displays. The proposed additive light field display shows bright and full-color volumetric images in high definition. In addition, users can view real-world scenes beyond the displays. Hence, we expect that our method can contribute to the realization of augmented reality. Here, we describe implementation of a prototype additive light field display with two additive layers, evaluate the performance of transparent HOE layers, describe several results of display experiments, discuss the diffraction effect of spatial light modulators, and analyze the ability of the additive light field display to express uncorrelated light fields.


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