“Directed volcano getting the most out of your simulations” by Stuyck, Hadap and Dutré

  • ©Gregory Ecker, Ravindra Dwivedi, and Ilan Gabai



Entry Number: 03


    Directed volcano getting the most out of your simulations



    In Ice Age Collision Course (2016), a volcanic eruption was central to the story. Our task was to craft a volcanic plume large and detailed enough to cover the frame for a sequence of shots, yet specific enough in its motion to evolve over a short period of time into a predetermined shape. It quickly became clear that the requirements were not going to be met within the confines of a single simulation. Simulation times in excess of 2 weeks with resolution exceeding 4 billion voxels were necessary, so we needed to make sure we were getting the most out of the simulations we were running. In order to accomplish this we developed a pipeline and set of tools to deal with the heavy volumetric data. We post processed each simulation using a variety of methods.


    Selle, A,. Lentine M. and Fedkiw, R. 2008. A Mass Spring model for Hair simulation. ACM SIGGRAPH 2008 (SIGGRAPH ’08), ACM, New York, NY



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