Brent Burley

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Walt Disney Animation Studios, Principal Software Engineer


  • Burbank, California, United States of America


  • SIGGRAPH 2018

    Brent Burley is a Principal Software Engineer at Walt Disney Animation Studios leading the Hyperion development team. Previously he led the development of the physically-based shading model used in all WDAS productions since Wreck-It Ralph, and created Ptex, an open-source texture mapping system for subdivision surfaces used on all WDAS productions since Bolt. Prior to joining Disney in 1996, he worked at Philips Media developing a cross-platform game engine, and also worked on aircraft training simulators at Hughes Training Inc.

    SIGGRAPH 2016

    Brent Burley is a Principal Software Engineer at Walt Disney Animation Studios working on production rendering software. In additional to creating Ptex and the Disney BRDF, he leads the development of Disney’s Hyperion Renderer.

    SIGGRAPH 2014

    Brent Burley is a Principal Software Engineer at Walt Disney Animation Studios, working on production rendering software. In additional to creating Ptex and the Disney BRDF, he recently oversaw  development of Disney’s Hyperion Renderer, a new physically based renderer used on Big Hero 6.  

    SIGGRAPH 2012

    Brent Burley is a Principal Software Engineer at Walt Disney Animation Studios working on production rendering software. Recently he led the development of a new physically-based BRDF model now being used in all current productions. Prior to joining Disney in 1996, he worked at Philips Media developing a cross-platform game engine, and also worked on aircraft training simulators at Hughes Training Inc.  



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