“Practical Multiple-scattering Sheen Using Linearly Transformed Cosines” by Zeltner, Burley and Chiang

  • ©Tizian Zeltner, Brent Burley, and Matt Jen-Yuan Chiang



Entry Number: 07


    Practical Multiple-scattering Sheen Using Linearly Transformed Cosines



    We introduce a new volumetric sheen BRDF that approximates scattering observed in surfaces covered with normally-oriented fibers. Our previous sheen model was motivated by measured cloth reflectance, but lacked significant backward scattering. The model presented here allows a more realistic cloth appearance and can also approximate a dusty appearance. Our sheen model is implemented using a linearly transformed cosine (LTC) lobe fitted to a volumetric scattering layer. We detail the fitting process, and present and discuss our results.


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