“Practical Physically-Based Shading in Film and Game Production” by Hill, McAuley, Burley, Gotanda and Smits
Entry Number: 15
- Practical Physically-Based Shading in Film and Game Production
Course Organizer(s):
An understanding of shading models and their use in film or game production.
Level of Difficulty
Who Should Attend
Practitioners from the videogame, CG animation, and VFX fields, as well as researchers interested in shading models.
Physically-based shading is becoming of increasing importance to both film and game production. By adhering to physically-based, energy-conserving shading models, one can easily create high quality, realistic materials that maintain that quality under a variety of lighting environments. Traditional “ad-hoc” models have required extensive tweaking to achieve the same result, thus it is no surprise that physically-based models have increased in popularity in film and game production, particularly as they are often no more difficult to implement or evaluate. After the success of the Physically-Based Shading Models in Film and Game Production course at SIGGRAPH 2010, this new course presents two years of advances in the subject. New research in the area will be covered, as well as more production examples from film and game. The course begins with a brief introduction into the physics and mathematics of shading, before speakers share examples of how physically-based shading models have been used in production. New research is introduced; its practical usage in production explained; then the advantages and disadvantages are discussed. Real-world examples are a particular focus of this year’s course, giving attendees a practical grounding in the subject.