“The Trees of The Jungle Book”

  • ©Alexander Schwank, Callum James, and Tony Micilotta

  • ©Alexander Schwank, Callum James, and Tony Micilotta

  • ©Alexander Schwank, Callum James, and Tony Micilotta

  • ©Alexander Schwank, Callum James, and Tony Micilotta



Entry Number: 21


    The Trees of The Jungle Book



    For Disney’s live action remake of The Jungle Book, we were required to build a jungle comprised of photorealistic trees, vines and other plantlife. We leveraged SpeedTree [IDV 2016] and Fabric Engine [Fabric Engine 2016] to create more than two hundred unique trees and vines that were used in the mid- and background of the jungle. To maximize the tree look quality, we created high resolution trunks and branches in Maya and included these during the node-based configuration stage in SpeedTree. Moreover, with each tree having approximately one million leaves, the leaves were approximated with cards and later replaced by high resolution leaf model configurations during the render process; this reduced model complexity, facilitated technical animation, and ultimately enabled us to handle the vastness of the jungle.


    FABRIC ENGINE, 2016. http://www.fabricengine.com/.
    IDV, 2016. Speedtree. http://www.speedtree.com/.



    To Fanny Chaleon, Greg Croft, Jonathan Attenborough, Peter Pearson, Rui Padinha, and Yoran Radecker, for all the help, input and enthusiasm.


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