“ZoeMatrope: a system for physical material design”

  • ©Leo Miyashita, Kota Ishihara, Yoshihiro Watanabe, and Masatoshi Ishikawa




    ZoeMatrope: a system for physical material design

Session/Category Title:   MATERIALS




    Reality is the most realistic representation. We introduce a material display called ZoeMatrope that can reproduce a variety of materials with high resolution, dynamic range and light field reproducibility by using compositing and animation principles used in a zoetrope and a thaumatrope. With ZoeMatrope, the quality of the material is equivalent to that of real objects and the range of expressible materials is diversified by overlaying a set of base materials in a linear combination. ZoeMatrope is also able to express spatially-varying materials, and even augmented materials such as materials with an alpha channel. In this paper, we propose a method for selecting the optimal material set and determining the weights of the linear combination to reproduce a wide range of target materials properly. We also demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach with the developed system and show the results for various materials.


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