“A Non-Parametric-Factor Microfacet Model for Isotropic BRDFs” by Nowrouzezahrai, Mahdi and Snyder

  • ©Derek Nowrouzezahrai, Mohammed Bagher Mahdi, and John M. Snyder




    A Non-Parametric-Factor Microfacet Model for Isotropic BRDFs

Session/Category Title:   MATERIALS




    We investigate the expressiveness of the microfacet model for isotropic bidirectional reflectance distribution functions (BRDFs) measured from real materials by introducing a non-parametric factor model that represents the model’s functional structure but abandons restricted parametric formulations of its factors. We propose a new objective based on compressive weighting that controls rendering error in high-dynamic-range BRDF fits better than previous factorization approaches. We develop a simple numerical procedure to minimize this objective and handle dependencies that arise between microfacet factors. Our method faithfully captures a more comprehensive set of materials than previous state-of-the-art parametric approaches yet remains compact (3.2KB per BRDF). We experimentally validate the benefit of the microfacet model over a naïve orthogonal factorization and show that fidelity for diffuse materials is modestly improved by fitting an unrestricted shadowing/masking factor. We also compare against a recent data-driven factorization approach [Bilgili et al. 2011] and show that our microfacet-based representation improves rendering accuracy for most materials while reducing storage by more than 10 ×.


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