“The Need for Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Research” by Joel

  • ©William J. Joel



Entry Number: 89


    The Need for Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Research



    In 2009, the ACM/SIGGRAPH Education Committee established an Undergraduate Research Alliance [UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH ALLIANCE] to foster the development of undergraduate research, in computer graphics and interactive techniques, across all related disciplines. Since its inception, the Alliance has hosted sessions at the annual SIGGRAPH conferences to allow educators and other the chance to discuss what they have accomplished and what still needs to be done. If we in the SIGGRAPH community wish to continue to expand the envelope of knowledge, it is necessary that we engage students in the exploration of new ideas as early as possible in their education. The purpose of this poster, therefore, is to present a case study for undergraduate research with the hopes that it spurs others to join in this endeavor.



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