Natalya Tatarchuk

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Advanced Micro Devices, Inc., Unity Technologies, Bungie Studios

Other / Past Affiliation(s):

  • ATI Research
  • AMD Graphics
  • Bungie LLC, Graphics Engineering Architect


  • Massachusetts, United States of America


  • SIGGRAPH 2023

    Natalya Tatarchuk (@mirror2mask) is a graphics engineer and a rendering enthusiast at heart, currently focusing on driving the state-of-the-art rendering technology, graphics performance, and character content creation in her role as a Distinguished Technical Fellow and Chief Architect, VP, Wētā Tools at Unity. Prior to that, she led the graphics team at Unity, as VP of Graphics for the Unity Editor and Engine. Before that she was a AAA games developer, working on innovative cross-platform rendering engine and game graphics for Bungie’s Destiny franchise, as well the Halo series, such as “Halo: ODST” and “Halo: Reach,” and AMD Graphics Products Group where she pushed parallel computing boundaries investigating advanced real-time graphics techniques, and graphics hardware design and APIs. Natalya has been encouraging sharing in the games graphics community for several decades, largely by organizing a popular series of courses such as Advances in Real-time Rendering, Open Problems in Real-Time Rendering, and Rendering Engine Architecture at SIGGRAPH and convincing people to speak there. It seems to be working.

    SIGGRAPH 2018

    Natalya Tatarchuk (@mirror2mask) is a graphics engineer and a rendering enthusiast. As the Director of Global Graphics at Unity Technologies, she is focusing on driving the state-of-the-art rendering technology and graphics performance for the Unity engine. Previously she was the Graphics Lead and an Engineering Architect at Bungie, working on innovative cross-platform rendering engine and game graphics for BungieâĂŹs Destiny franchise. Before moving into game development full-time, Natalya was a graphics software architect and a lead in the Game Computing Application Group at AMD Graphics Products Group (Office of the CTO) where she pushed parallel computing boundaries investigating advanced real-time graphics techniques. Natalya has been encouraging sharing in the games graphics community for several decades, largely by organizing a popular series of courses such as Advances in Realtime Rendering and the Open Problems in Real-Time Rendering at SIGGRAPH. She has also published papers and articles at various computer graphics conferences and technical book series, and has presented her work at graphics and game developer conferences worldwide. Natalya holds an M.S. in Computer Science from Harvard University with a focus in Computer Graphics and B.A. degrees in Mathematics and Computer Science from Boston University.

Course Organizer:

Experience Category: Jury Member:



Learning Category: Presentation(s):


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