Emil Persson

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Avalanche Studios


  • SIGGRAPH 2013

    Emil Persson is the Head of Research at Avalanche Studios, where he is conducting forward looking research, with the aim to be relevant and practical for game development, as well as setting the future direction for the Avalanche Engine. Previously, Emil was an ISV Engineer in the Developer Relations team at ATI/AMD. He assisted tier-1 game developers with the latest rendering techniques, identifying performance problems and applying optimizations. He also made major contributions to SDK samples and technical documentation.

    SIGGRAPH 2011

    Emil Persson is a graphics programmer at Avalanche Studios where he is working on advanced rendering techniques and optimizations. Previously he worked as an ISV Engineer at ATI/AMD developer relations where he assisted the top game developers with rendering techniques and optimizations, in addition to R&D and SDK development. Emil also runs the site www.humus.name where he provides open source graphics samples to the community.  


Learning Category: Presentation(s):


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