Graham Sellers

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Advanced Micro Devices and Inc., Manager


  • SIGGRAPH 2013

    Graham Sellers is the manager of the OpenGL driver team and a software architect at AMD. He represents AMD at the OpenGL ARB and Khronos Group and is responsible for the design and delivery of new features in AMD’s OpenGL implementation, including extensions and new versions of the OpenGL API. He has authored over 20 OpenGL extensions, many of which are now part of the core API specification. He is also co-author of the OpenGL SuperBible and the OpenGL Programming Guide. He holds a Masters’ degree in Engineering from the University of Southampton, UK.

    SIGGRAPH 2012

    Graham Sellers is the manager of the OpenGL driver team at AMD. He represents AMD at the OpenGL ARB and Khronos Group and is responsible for the design and implementation of new features in AMD’s OpenGL implementation, including extensions and new versions of the OpenGL API. He is the author of or a contributor to over 20 OpenGL extensions, many of which are now part of the core API specification. He is listed as a contributor to OpenGL from version 3.2 onwards. He is also a co-author of the OpenGL SuperBible and the upcoming edition of the OpenGL Programming Guide. He holds a Masters’ degree in Engineering from the University of Southampton, UK.  

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