Jorge Jimenez

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Universidad de Zaragoza

Other / Past Affiliation(s):

  • Activision


  • Spain


  • SIGGRAPH 2014

    JORGE  JIMENEZ  is  a  real-time  graphics  researcher at  Activision  Blizzard.  He  received  his  PhD  degree  in Real-Time  Graphics  from  Universidad  de  Zaragoza  (Spain)  in  2012.  His  interests  include  real-time photorealistic  rendering,  special  effects,  and  squeezing  rendering  algorithms  to  be  practical  in  game environments.  He  has  contributions  in  conferences,  books,  and  journals,  including  SIGGRAPH  and  GDC, the  GPU  Pro  series,  the  Game  Developer  magazine,  and  the  journal  Transaction  on  Graphics.  He  co-organized  the  course  “Filtering  Approaches  for Real-Time  Anti-Aliasing  at  SIGGRAPH  2011.  Some  of  his key  achievements  include  Jimenez’s  MLAA,  SMAA,  and  the  separable  subsurface  scattering  technique. 

    SIGGRAPH 2011

    Jorge Jimenez is a real-time graphics researcher at the Universidad de Zaragoza, in Spain, where he received his BSc and  MSc degrees, and where he is pursuing a PhD in real-time graphics. His interests include real-time photorealistic rendering, special effects, and squeezing rendering algorithms to be practical in game environments. He has various contributions in books and journals, including Transaction on Graphics, where our skin renderings made the front cover of the SIGGRAPH Asia 2010 issue.  

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