“Advances in Real-Time Rendering in 3D Graphics and Games: Part 1” by Tatarchuk, Oat, Evans, Chen, Liu, et al. …

  • ©Natalya Tatarchuk, Christopher Oat, Alex Evans, Hao Chen, Xinguo Liu, Michael Boulton, Dominic Filion, Rob McNaughton, and Martin Mittring



Entry Number: 03


    Advances in Real-Time Rendering in 3D Graphics and Games: Part 1



    Working knowledge of a modern real-time graphics APls like OpenGL or Direct3D, a solid basic understanding of commonly used graphics algorithms, and familiarity with the concepts of programmable shading and shading languages.    

    Advances in real-time graphics research and the increasing power of mainstream GPUs have generated an explosion of innovative algorithms suitable for rendering complex virtual worlds at interactive rates. Every year, the latest video games display a vast variety of increasingly sophisticated algorithms that enable ground-breaking 3D rendering, push visual boundaries, and expand the interactive experience of rich environments.  This course covers a series of topics on the best practices and techniques prevalent in state-of- the-art rendering in several award- winning games and describes innovative and practical 3D render- ing research that will be found in the games of tomorrow. The course features examples from recently shipped games by Crytek, Rare, and Bungie and upcoming titles from Blizzard Entertainment and MediaMolecule, as well as graphics research from AMD’s Game Computing Applications Group.  


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