“Cache-Friendly Micro-Jittered Sampling”

  • ©Arthur Dufay, Pascal Lecocq, Romain Pacanowski, Jean-Eudes Marvie, and Xavier Granier

  • ©Arthur Dufay, Pascal Lecocq, Romain Pacanowski, Jean-Eudes Marvie, and Xavier Granier

  • ©Arthur Dufay, Pascal Lecocq, Romain Pacanowski, Jean-Eudes Marvie, and Xavier Granier

  • ©Arthur Dufay, Pascal Lecocq, Romain Pacanowski, Jean-Eudes Marvie, and Xavier Granier

  • ©Arthur Dufay, Pascal Lecocq, Romain Pacanowski, Jean-Eudes Marvie, and Xavier Granier

  • ©Arthur Dufay, Pascal Lecocq, Romain Pacanowski, Jean-Eudes Marvie, and Xavier Granier

  • ©Arthur Dufay, Pascal Lecocq, Romain Pacanowski, Jean-Eudes Marvie, and Xavier Granier

  • ©Arthur Dufay, Pascal Lecocq, Romain Pacanowski, Jean-Eudes Marvie, and Xavier Granier

  • ©Arthur Dufay, Pascal Lecocq, Romain Pacanowski, Jean-Eudes Marvie, and Xavier Granier



Entry Number: 36


    Cache-Friendly Micro-Jittered Sampling



    Monte-Carlo integration techniques for global illumination are popular on GPUs thanks to their massive parallel architecture, but efficient implementation remains challenging. The use of randomly decorrelated low-discrepancy sequences in the path-tracing algorithm allows faster visual convergence. However, the parallel tracing of incoherent rays often results in poor memory cache utilization, reducing the ray bandwidth efficiency. Interleaved sampling [Keller et al. 2001] partially solves this problem, by using a small set of distributions split in coherent ray-tracing passes, but the solution is prone to structured noise. On the other hand, ray-reordering methods [Pharr et al. 1997] group stochastic rays into coherent ray packets but their implementation add an additional sorting cost on the GPU [Moon et al. 2010] [Garanzha and Loop 2010].


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    Kollig, T., and Keller, A. 2002. Efficient multidimensional sampling. In Computer Graphics Forum, vol. 21, Wiley Online Library, 557–563.Google Scholar
    Moon, B., Byun, Y., Kim, T.-J., Claudio, P., Kim, H.-S., Ban, Y.-J., Nam, S. W., and Yoon, S.-E. 2010. Cache-oblivious ray reordering. ACM Trans. Graph. 29, 3 (July), 28:1–28:10. Google ScholarDigital Library
    Pharr, M., Kolb, C., Gershbein, R., and Hanrahan, P. 1997. Rendering complex scenes with memory-coherent ray tracing. In Proceedings of the 24th Annual Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, ACM Press/Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., New York, NY, USA, SIGGRAPH ’97, 101–108. Google ScholarDigital Library
    Ramamoorthi, R., Anderson, J., Meyer, M., and Nowrouzezahrai, D. 2012. A theory of monte-carlo visibility sampling. ACM Trans. Graph. 31, 5 (Sept.), 121:1–121:16.



    We would like to thank Gael Sourimant for its implementation and ̈ experimentations of the micro-jittering method in a SSAO context. We also thank the anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments and feedback.
    Scene credits: the San-Miguel scene in teaser-left was modeled by Guillermo M. Leal Llaguno. The London NH museum in mid- dle was modeled by Alvaro Luna Bautista and Joel Andersdon. The interior 3D model from figure 3 comes from Chocofur store: store.chocofur.com.


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