“HFTS: Hybrid Frustum-Traced Shadows in “The Division”” by Story and Wyman

  • ©Jon Story and Chris Wyman

  • ©Jon Story and Chris Wyman

  • ©Jon Story and Chris Wyman

  • ©Jon Story and Chris Wyman



Entry Number: 13


    HFTS: Hybrid Frustum-Traced Shadows in “The Division”



    We present a hybrid irregular z-buffer shadow algorithm building on work by Story [2015] and Wyman et al. [2015] that allows soft shadows and is fast enough for use in shipping games, like The Division. Key novelties include an improved light-space partitioning scheme that speeds best- and average-case running times compared to using multiple cascades. We also extract a per-pixel distance to the nearest occluder to enable transitioning between irregular z-buffers and filtered shadow maps.


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    Wyman, C., Hoetzlein, R., and Lefohn, A. 2015. Frustum-traced raster shadows: Revisiting irregular z-buffers. In Proceedings of the Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, 15–23.



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