“The Hive: A Human and Robot Collaborative Building Process”

  • ©Lauren Vasey, Tovi Grossman, Heather Kerrick, and Danil Nagy

  • ©Lauren Vasey, Tovi Grossman, Heather Kerrick, and Danil Nagy



Entry Number: 83


    The Hive: A Human and Robot Collaborative Building Process



    The Hive Pavilion exhibited at Autodesk University (2015) investigated whether untrained workers and industrial robots could work collaboratively together towards the common goal of fabricating and assembling an architectural scale structure through the utilization of computational design, wearables, and interconnected devices. Though many narratives promote the idea that robots will displace humans in the workforce, Hive set out to challenge that assumption and propose an alternative view of human and robot collaboration; where the dexterity and cognitive abilities of humans can augment the precision and repeatability of robots to enable previously impossible tasks.


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    Dörstelmann, M., Prado, M., Parascho, S., Knippers, J., and Menges, A. 2014. Integrative computational design methodologies for modular architectural fiber composite morphologies, ACADIA 14: Design Agency {Proceedings of the 34th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA) Los Angeles 23-25 October, 2014), 219–228.
    Yoshida, H., Igarashi, T., Obuchi, Y., Takami, Y., Sato, J., Araki, M., Miki, M., Nagata, K., Sakai, K. and Igarashi, S. 2015. Architecture-scale Human-assisted Additive Manufacturing. ACM Trans. Graph. 34, 4: 88:1–88:8.



    Autodesk Applied Research Lab (Director: Maurice Conti) Concept Development, Project Management Heather Kerrick, David Thomasson, Evan Atherton, Nicholas Cote, Lucas Prokopiak, Arthur Harsuvanakit
    Autodesk Research, User Interface Research & Research Transfer Groups (Director: George Fitzmaurice) Interaction Development
    Tovi Grossman, Justin Matejka, Fraser Anderson, Ben Lafreniere, Steven Li, Nicholas Beirne, Madeline Gannon, Thomas White, Andy Nogueira
    The Living, An Autodesk Studio (Director: David Benjamin) Design System Development Danil Nagy, James Stoddart, Ray Wang, Dale Zhao
    Institute for Computational Design, University of Stuttgart (Director: Prof. Achim Menges) Material System & Robotic Fabrication Development Lauren Vasey, Long Nguyen, Thu Phuoc Nguyen, Tobias Schwinn
    Marcelo Coelho Studio LED System Development
    UR10 Collaborative Robots provided by Universal Robots


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