“Crowd-driven mid-scale layout design” by Feng, Yu, Yeung, Yin and Zhou

  • ©Tian (Frank) Feng, Lap-Fai Yu, Sai-Kit Yeung, KangKang Yin, and Kun Zhou




    Crowd-driven mid-scale layout design

Session/Category Title:   PROCEDURAL MODELING




    We propose a novel approach for designing mid-scale layouts by optimizing with respect to human crowd properties. Given an input layout domain such as the boundary of a shopping mall, our approach synthesizes the paths and sites by optimizing three metrics that measure crowd flow properties: mobility, accessibility, and coziness. While these metrics are straightforward to evaluate by a full agent-based crowd simulation, optimizing a layout usually requires hundreds of evaluations, which would require a long time to compute even using the latest crowd simulation techniques. To overcome this challenge, we propose a novel data-driven approach where nonlinear regressors are trained to capture the relationship between the agent-based metrics, and the geometrical and topological features of a layout. We demonstrate that by using the trained regressors, our approach can synthesize crowd-aware layouts and improve existing layouts with better crowd flow properties.


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