“Final Fantasy XV: Pulse and Traction of Characters” by Imamura, Shirakami, Prasertvithyakarn, Yokoyama, Namiki, et al. …

  • ©Noriyuki Imamura, Youji Shirakami, Prasert Prasertvithyakarn, Takanori Yokoyama, Kousuke Namiki, and Youichiro Miyake

  • ©Noriyuki Imamura, Youji Shirakami, Prasert Prasertvithyakarn, Takanori Yokoyama, Kousuke Namiki, and Youichiro Miyake

  • ©Noriyuki Imamura, Youji Shirakami, Prasert Prasertvithyakarn, Takanori Yokoyama, Kousuke Namiki, and Youichiro Miyake



Entry Number: 47


    Final Fantasy XV: Pulse and Traction of Characters



    The mixture of reality and fantasy is the main expression of Final Fantasy XV, which is a title from the classical long-lasting roleplaying game series. We embrace the words, pulse and traction, as one of the key concepts of the development. How we control motions of characters to make them plausible and fascinating is a challenging work in the area of AI and animation to achieve the goal.


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