“Filtering solid Gabor noise” by Lagae and Drettakis

  • ©Ares Lagae and George Drettakis




    Filtering solid Gabor noise



    Solid noise is a fundamental tool in computer graphics. Surprisingly, no existing noise function supports both high-quality antialiasing and continuity across sharp edges. In this paper we show that a slicing approach is required to preserve continuity across sharp edges, and we present a new noise function that supports anisotropic filtering of sliced solid noise. This is made possible by individually filtering the slices of Gabor kernels, which requires the proper treatment of phase. This in turn leads to the introduction of the phase-augmented Gabor kernel and random-phase Gabor noise, our new noise function. We demonstrate that our new noise function supports both high-quality anti-aliasing and continuity across sharp edges, as well as anisotropy.


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