“Fitting procedural yarn models for realistic cloth rendering”

  • ©Shuang Zhao, Fujun Luan, and Kavita Bala




    Fitting procedural yarn models for realistic cloth rendering

Session/Category Title:   CLOTH




    Fabrics play a significant role in many applications in design, prototyping, and entertainment. Recent fiber-based models capture the rich visual appearance of fabrics, but are too onerous to design and edit. Yarn-based procedural models are powerful and convenient, but too regular and not realistic enough in appearance. In this paper, we introduce an automatic fitting approach to create high-quality procedural yarn models of fabrics with fiber-level details. We fit CT data to procedural models to automatically recover a full range of parameters, and augment the models with a measurement-based model of flyaway fibers. We validate our fabric models against CT measurements and photographs, and demonstrate the utility of this approach for fabric modeling and editing.


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