“GI Next: Global Illumination for Production Rendering on GPUs”

  • ©E. Catalano, R. Yasui-Schoffel, Ken Dahm, D. Binder, and Alexander Keller

  • ©E. Catalano, R. Yasui-Schoffel, Ken Dahm, D. Binder, and Alexander Keller

  • ©E. Catalano, R. Yasui-Schoffel, Ken Dahm, D. Binder, and Alexander Keller

  • ©E. Catalano, R. Yasui-Schoffel, Ken Dahm, D. Binder, and Alexander Keller

  • ©E. Catalano, R. Yasui-Schoffel, Ken Dahm, D. Binder, and Alexander Keller



Entry Number: 69


    GI Next: Global Illumination for Production Rendering on GPUs



    The sheer size of texture data and the complexity of custom shaders in production rendering were the two major hurdles in the way of GPU acceleration. Requiring only tiny modifications of an existing production renderer, we are able to accelerate the computation of global illumination by more than an order of magnitude.


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