“Computational network design from functional specifications” by Peng, Mitra, Yang, Bao, Fink, et al. …

  • ©Chi-Han Peng, Niloy J. Mitra, Yongliang Yang, Fan Bao, Daniel Fink, Dongming Yan, and Peter Wonka




    Computational network design from functional specifications

Session/Category Title:   PROCEDURAL MODELING




    Connectivity and layout of underlying networks largely determine agent behavior and usage in many environments. For example, transportation networks determine the flow of traffic in a neighborhood, whereas building floorplans determine the flow of people in a workspace. Designing such networks from scratch is challenging as even local network changes can have large global effects. We investigate how to computationally create networks starting from only high-level functional specifications. Such specifications can be in the form of network density, travel time versus network length, traffic type, destination location, etc. We propose an integer programming-based approach that guarantees that the resultant networks are valid by fulfilling all the specified hard constraints and that they score favorably in terms of the objective function. We evaluate our algorithm in two different design settings, street layout and floorplans to demonstrate that diverse networks can emerge purely from high-level functional specifications.


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