Baining Guo

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • Microsoft Research Asia, Distinguished Scientist


  • China


  • SIGGRAPH 2023

    Baining Guo is a Distinguished Scientist with Microsoft Research. Prior to joining Microsoft in 1999, Baining was a senior staff researcher with Intel Research in Santa Clara, California. Baining received his PhD and MS degrees from Cornell University, and his BS from Peking University. He is a fellow of ACM, IEEE, and Canadian Academy of Engineering.

    Baining works in computer graphics, geometric modeling, virtual reality, and computer vision. His research focuses on three areas: DNN models for 3D graphics and imaging, statistical modeling of textures and appearances, and geometric modeling. His work is motivated by applications in the fields of virtual reality, video communication, digital content creation, and video gaming. He was a keynote speaker in many graphics and visual computing conferences, including ACM/SIAM Solid and Physical Modeling (SPM), IEEE Shape Modeling International (SMI), IEEE Virtual Reality (IEEE-VR), IEEE Multimedia and Expo (ICME), IEEE Visual Communication and Image Processing (VCIP), Pacific Graphics (PG), Computer Animation and Social Agents (CASA), and IEEE ICASSP.

    He served on program committees of most major graphics conferences, including ACM SIGGRAPH, ACM SIGGRAPH Asia, and IEEE Visualization. He was a member of ACM Siggraph Papers Advisory Group (2013-2015). He was the technical papers program chair of ACM SIGGRAPH Asia in 2014. He also served on the editorial boards of IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer GraphicsIEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, and Elsevier Journal of Computer and Graphics.

    SIGGRAPH 1996

    Baining Guo is currently an assistant professor in the Computer Science Department at York University in Toronto (CANADA). He received his B.S. from Beijing University (PRC) in 1982 and his M.S. and Ph.D. from Cornell University in Ithaca, New York (USA) in 1989 and 1991. Prior to joining York, he worked for France Telecom (FRANCE) and The University of Colorado (USA). Guo was a visiting assistant professor at the University of Toronto, in the Department of Computer Science, where he still actively participated in research activities. Guo’s research interests include volume visualization, geometric modeling, and computer vision. In geometric modeling, his work addresses issues in modeling with low degree implicit  surfaces for CAD/CAM applications. In volume visualization, he is developing structure- based volume rendering techniques that combine volume rendering with feature extractions.  Recently, he has started to construct direct solvers for early vision problems. Guo is a member of ACM.  


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