“Kernel Nyström method for light transport” by Wang, Dong, Tong, Lin and Guo

  • ©Jiaping Wang, Yue Dong, Xin Tong, Zhouchen Lin, and Baining Guo




    Kernel Nyström method for light transport



    We propose a kernel Nyström method for reconstructing the light transport matrix from a relatively small number of acquired images. Our work is based on the generalized Nyström method for low rank matrices. We introduce the light transport kernel and incorporate it into the Nyström method to exploit the nonlinear coherence of the light transport matrix. We also develop an adaptive scheme for efficiently capturing the sparsely sampled images from the scene. Our experiments indicate that the kernel Nyström method can achieve good reconstruction of the light transport matrix with a few hundred images and produce high quality relighting results. The kernel Nyström method is effective for modeling scenes with complex lighting effects and occlusions which have been challenging for existing techniques.


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