“Photorealistic rendering of knitwear using the lumislice” by Xu, Chen, Lin, Zhong, Wu, et al. …

  • ©Ying-Qing Xu, Yanyun Chen, Stephen Lin, Hua Zhong, En-hua Wu, Baining Guo, and Heung-Yeung Shum




    Photorealistic rendering of knitwear using the lumislice



    We present a method for efficient synthesis of photorealistic free-form knitwear. Our approach is motivated by the observation that a single cross-section of yarn can serve as the basic primitive for modeling entire articles of knitwear. This primitive, called the lumislice, describes radiance from a yarn cross-section based on fine-level interactions — such as occlusion, shadowing, and multiple scattering — among yarn fibers. By representing yarn as a sequence of identical but rotated cross-sections, the lumislice can effectively propagate local microstructure over arbitrary stitch patterns and knitwear shapes. This framework accommodates varying levels of detail and capitalizes on hardware-assisted transparency blending. To further enhance realism, a technique for generating soft shadows from yarn is also introduced.


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