“Mesh puppetry: cascading optimization of mesh deformation with inverse kinematics” by Shi, Zhou, Tong, Desbrun, Bao, et al. …

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    Mesh puppetry: cascading optimization of mesh deformation with inverse kinematics



    We present mesh puppetry, a variational framework for detail-preserving mesh manipulation through a set of high-level, intuitive, and interactive design tools. Our approach builds upon traditional rigging by optimizing skeleton position and vertex weights in an integrated manner. New poses and animations are created by specifying a few desired constraints on vertex positions, balance of the character, length and rigidity preservation, joint limits, and/or self-collision avoidance. Our algorithm then adjusts the skeleton and solves for the deformed mesh simultaneously through a novel cascading optimization procedure, allowing realtime manipulation of meshes with 50K+ vertices for fast design of pleasing and realistic poses. We demonstrate the potential of our framework through an interactive deformation platform and various applications such as deformation transfer and motion retargeting.


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