“Subspace gradient domain mesh deformation” by Huang, Shi, Liu, Zhou, Wei, et al. …
- Subspace gradient domain mesh deformation
In this paper we present a general framework for performing constrained mesh deformation tasks with gradient domain techniques. We present a gradient domain technique that works well with a wide variety of linear and nonlinear constraints. The constraints we introduce include the nonlinear volume constraint for volume preservation, the nonlinear skeleton constraint for maintaining the rigidity of limb segments of articulated figures, and the projection constraint for easy manipulation of the mesh without having to frequently switch between multiple viewpoints. To handle nonlinear constraints, we cast mesh deformation as a nonlinear energy minimization problem and solve the problem using an iterative algorithm. The main challenges in solving this nonlinear problem are the slow convergence and numerical instability of the iterative solver. To address these issues, we develop a subspace technique that builds a coarse control mesh around the original mesh and projects the deformation energy and constraints onto the control mesh vertices using the mean value interpolation. The energy minimization is then carried out in the subspace formed by the control mesh vertices. Running in this subspace, our energy minimization solver is both fast and stable and it provides interactive responses. We demonstrate our deformation constraints and subspace deformation technique with a variety of constrained deformation examples.
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