“Subspace integration with local deformations” by Harmon and Zorin

  • ©David Harmon and Denis Zorin




    Subspace integration with local deformations

Session/Category Title:   Deformation & Distortion




    Subspace techniques greatly reduce the cost of nonlinear simulation by approximating deformations with a small custom basis. In order to represent the deformations well (in terms of a global metric), the basis functions usually have global support, and cannot capture localized deformations. While reduced-space basis functions can be localized to some extent, capturing truly local deformations would still require a very large number of precomputed basis functions, significantly degrading both precomputation and online performance. We present an efficient approach to handling local deformations that cannot be predicted, most commonly arising from contact and collisions, by augmenting the subspace basis with custom functions derived from analytic solutions to static loading problems. We also present a new cubature scheme designed to facilitate fast computation of the necessary runtime quantities while undergoing a changing basis. Our examples yield a two order of magnitude speedup over full-coordinate simulations, striking a desirable balance between runtime speeds and expressive ability.


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