“ComplexGen: CAD reconstruction by B-rep chain complex generation” by Guo, Liu, Pan, Liu, Tong, et al. …

  • ©Haoxiang Guo, Shilin Liu, Hao Pan, Yang Liu, Xin Tong, and Baining Guo




    ComplexGen: CAD reconstruction by B-rep chain complex generation



    We view the reconstruction of CAD models in the boundary representation (B-Rep) as the detection of geometric primitives of different orders, i.e., vertices, edges and surface patches, and the correspondence of primitives, which are holistically modeled as a chain complex, and show that by modeling such comprehensive structures more complete and regularized reconstructions can be achieved. We solve the complex generation problem in two steps. First, we propose a novel neural framework that consists of a sparse CNN encoder for input point cloud processing and a tri-path transformer decoder for generating geometric primitives and their mutual relationships with estimated probabilities. Second, given the probabilistic structure predicted by the neural network, we recover a definite B-Rep chain complex by solving a global optimization maximizing the likelihood under structural validness constraints and applying geometric refinements. Extensive tests on large scale CAD datasets demonstrate that the modeling of B-Rep chain complex structure enables more accurate detection for learning and more constrained reconstruction for optimization, leading to structurally more faithful and complete CAD B-Rep models than previous results.


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