Andrew Glassner

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • The Imaginary Institute, Xerox PARC, Weta Digital, Microsoft Research, Researcher

Other / Past Affiliation(s):

  • Microsoft Research
  • Coyote Wind Films


  • Andrew Glassner is a Writer-Director at The Microsoft Network, where he creates new interactive entertainments. He has worked on computer graphics research since 1978, at the NYIT Computer Graphics Lab, Case Western Reserve University, the IBM TJ Watson Research Lab, the Delft University of Technology, Bell Communications Research, Xerox PARC, and Microsoft Research. He is a popular writer and speaker. His book 3D Computer Graphics: A Handbook for Artists and Designers has taught a generation of artists. Glassner created and edited the “Graphics Gems” series and the book, An Introduction to Ray Tracing. His most recent text is Principles of Digital Image Synthesis, a two-volume treatise on rendering theory and practice published by Morgan-Kaufmann. He has served as Chair of the SIGGRAPH 94 Papers Committee, Founding Editor of the Journal of Graphics Tools, and Editor-in-Chief of ACM Transactions on Graphics. He directed the short film “Chicken Crossing,” which premiered at the SIGGRAPH 96 Electronic Theater. Away from work, Glassner paints, plays jazz piano, writes fiction, and hikes.

    SIGGRAPH 1999

    Dr. Andrew Glassner is a Researcher at Microsoft Research, where he creates new computer graphics and new media. He has worked at the NYIT Computer Graphics Lab, Case Western Reserve University, the IBM TJ Watson Research Lab, the Delft University of Technology, Bell Communications Research, Xerox PARC, and Microsoft Research. He has published numerous technical papers on topics ranging from digital sound to new rendering techniques. His book 3D Computer Graphics: A Handbook for Artists and Designers has taught a generation of artists. Glassner created and edited the Graphics Gems book series and the book An Introduction to Ray Tracing. His most recent text is Principles of Digital Image Synthesis, a two-volume treatise on rendering theory and practice published by Morgan-Kaufmann. Andrew served Siggraph ’94 as Chair of the Papers Committee, and creator of the Sketches venue. He has also served as Founding Editor of the Journal of Graphics Tools, and Editor-in-Chief of ACM Transactions on Graphics. He directed the short animated film “Chicken Crossing” which premiered at the Siggraph ’96. Electronic Theatre, and designed the highly participatory game “Dead Air” for The Microsoft Network. He has designed logos for electronics firms, publishers, and individuals. In his free time Andrew plays jazz piano, draws, and writes fiction. He holds a PhD in Computer Science from The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.  

    SIGGRAPH 1997

    Andrew Glassner is a researcher with Microsoft Research, where he invents new computer graphics. Andrew received his Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He has also worked at Xerox PARC, the IBM T.J. Watson Research Lab, Bell Communications Research, the Delft University of Technology, and the New York Institute of Technology Computer Graphics Lab. He has published numerous technical articles on rendering theory and practice, modeling, animation, and new media. Andrew authored 3D Computer Graphics: A Handbook for Artists and Designers, edited An Introduction to Ray Tracing, and created the Graphics Gems series for programmers. He is on the editorial boards of ACM Transactions on Graphics, IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, and the Journal of Graphics Tools and chaired the Papers Committee for SIGGRAPH ’94. His most recent book, Principles of Digital Image Synthesis, is a two-volume text on the principles of rendering theory for computer graphics.  

    SIGGRAPH 1993

    Andrew Glassner is a Member of the Research Staff at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC). He received his B S in Computer Engineering from Case Western Reserve University, and his M S and PhD in Computer Science from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Dr Glassner’s research interests are directed towards efficiently creating realistic and expressive three-dimensional images, models, and animation. His technical publications include papers on creative modeling, texture mapping, and ray tracing, as well as techniques for color manipulation and digital sound editing. He also edited An Introduction to Ray Tracing and is the creator and editor of the Graphics Gems series. 


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