“Introduction to Computer Graphics” by Glassner

  • ©Andrew Glassner



Entry Number: 03


    Introduction to Computer Graphics

Course Organizer(s):



    Computer graphics is a broad and deep subject, and getting the most out of attending the annual SIGGRAPH conference requires a good understanding of the core ideas that lie at the heart of our existing techniques and future innovations. This course presents live demos of popular 2D and 3D software to demonstrate the key ideas that enable creation of scientific imagery, feature movies, interactive art, and more.
    In the world of 3D, the course shows how to use basic shapes to create complex objects and demonstrates how to move and manipulate those objects over time to create motion. It also shows how to generate images that communicate these models to the world and string the images together to create animation. In the world of 2D, the course follows roughly the same approach but looks more closely at how today’s rich 2D development environments allow us to manipulate photos and create interactive installations in which users can explore their data, control simulations, or create new artwork.

    Level: Introductory

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