“Introduction to Computer Graphics” by Bailey, Glassner, Lathrop and Wenner

  • ©Andrew Glassner, Olin Lathrop, and Patricia A. Wenner



Entry Number: 12


    Introduction to Computer Graphics



    A basic understanding of computers and algebra. All other required knowledge was provided in carefully planned presentations.

    Topics Covered
    An understanding of computer graphics from data to photons; the fundamentals of geometry, interaction, hardware, modeling, rendering, and animation; and virtual reality and graphics for the World Wide Web.

    The SIGGRAPH conference is an exciting event, but it is often an intimidating experience for first-time attendees. There are so many new terms, new concepts, and new products to try to understand. This course was designed to ease newcomers into the SIGGRAPH conference experience by presenting the fundamental ideas and vocabulary at a level that can be readily understood. Far from dry facts, this course also portrayed the fun and excitement that led most of us here in the first place. Attendees left the course well-prepared to understand, appreciate, enjoy, and learn from the rest of the SIGGRAPH conference events. It included live demos, the source code of which was placed on the Course Notes CD-ROM and made available on the Web.

Contents/Schedule PDF:

Contributed By:

    Mary Whitton


    Charles Babbage Institute Archives, University of Minnesota

Overview Page: