Hao Li

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Most Recent Affiliation(s):

  • University of Southern California, Columbia University, EPFL, ETH Zurich, Assistant Professor

Other / Past Affiliation(s):

  • UC Berkeley
  • Pinscreen, Founder


  • SIGGRAPH 2016

    Hao  Li  joined  the  University  of  Southern  California  in  2013  as  a  tenure-track assistant  professor  of  computer  science.  Before  his  faculty  appointment  he  was a  research  lead  at  Industrial  Light  &  Magic,  where  he  developed  the  next generation  real-time  performance  capture  technologies  for  Star  Wars  Episode VII.  Prior  to  joining  the  force,  Hao  spent  a  year  as  a  postdoctoral  researcher  at Columbia  and  Princeton  Universities.  His  research  lies  in  geometry  processing, 3D  reconstruction,  and  performance  capture.  While  primarily  developed  to improve  real-time  digital  content creation  in  film  production, his  work  on markerless  dynamic  shape  reconstruction  has  also  impacted  the  field  of  human shape  analysis  and  biomedicine.  His  algorithms  are  widely  deployed  in  the industry,  ranging  from  leading  visual  effects  studios  to  manufacturers  of  stateof-the-art  radiation  therapy  systems.  He  has  been  named  top  35  innovator under  35  by  MIT  Technology  Review  in  2013  and  NextGen  10:  Innovators under  40  by  CSQ  in  2014.  He  was  also  awarded  the  Google  Faculty  Award  in  2015,  the  SNF  Fellowship for  prospective  researchers  in  2011, and  best paper  award  at SCA  2009.  He  obtained  his  PhD  from  ETH Zurich  in  2010  and  received  his  MSc  degree  in  Computer  Science  in  2006  from  the  University  of Karlsruhe  (TH).  He  was  a  visiting  professor  at  Weta  Digital  in  2014  and  visiting  researcher  at  EPFL  in 2010,  Industrial  Light  &  Magic  (Lucasfilm)  in  2009,  Stanford  University  in  2008,  National  University  of Singapore  in  2006,  and  ENSIMAG  in  2003. 

    SIGGRAPH 2015

    Hao Li joined the University of Southern California in 2013 as a tenure-track assistant professor of computer science. Before his faculty appointment he was a research lead at Industrial Light & Magic, where he developed the next generation real-time performance capture technologies for Star Wars Episode VII. Prior to joining the force, Hao spent a year as a postdoctoral researcher at Columbia and Princeton Universities. His research lies in geometry processing, 3D reconstruction, and performance capture. While primarily developed to improve real-time digital content creation in film production, his work on markerless dynamic shape reconstruction has also impacted the field of human shape analysis and biomedicine. His algorithms are widely deployed in the  industry, ranging from leading visual effects studios to manufacturers of state- of-the-art radiation therapy systems. He has been named top 35 innovator  under 35 by MIT Technology Review in 2013 and NextGen 10: Innovators under 40 by CSQ in 2014. He was also awarded the Google Faculty Award in 2015, the SNF Fellowship for prospective researchers in 2011, and best paper award at SCA 2009. He obtained his PhD from ETH Zurich in 2010 and received his MSc degree in Computer Science in 2006 from the University of Karlsruhe (TH). He was a visiting professor at Weta Digital in 2014 and visiting researcher at EPFL in 2010, Industrial Light & Magic (Lucasfilm) in 2009, Stanford University in 2008, National University of Singapore in 2006, and ENSIMAG in 2003.  

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