“Normalized Avatar Digitization for Communication in VR” by Li, Wang, Wei, Goldwhite, Hu, et al. …

  • ©Hao Li, Zejian Wang, Lingyu Wei, McLean Goldwhite, Liwen Hu, Raymond Mosco, Han-Wei Kung, Huiwen Luo, and Koki Nagano


Entry Number: 122


    Normalized Avatar Digitization for Communication in VR



    We introduce a highly robust GAN-based framework for digitizing a normalized 3D avatar of a person from a single unconstrained photo. We demonstrate a multi-user VR chatting system using Oculus Quest 2 where performances are driven by the headset and controllers and facial animation through speech-to-face synthesis.


    Hao Li, Zejian Wang, Lingyu Wei, McLean Goldwhite, Liwen Hu, Raymond Mosco, Han-Wei Kung, Huiwen Luo, and Koki Nagano. 2021. Normalized Avatar Digitization for Communication in VR. In Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Conference Real-Time Live! (SIGGRAPH ’21 Real-Time Live!), August 09-13, 2021. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 1 page. https://doi.org/10.1145/3450622.3466792


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