“Skin microstructure deformation with displacement map convolution” by Nagano, Fyffe, Alexander, Barbic, Li, et al. …

  • ©Koki Nagano, Graham Fyffe, Oleg Alexander, Jernej Barbic, Hao Li, Abhijeet Ghosh, and Paul E. Debevec




    Skin microstructure deformation with displacement map convolution



    We present a technique for synthesizing the effects of skin microstructure deformation by anisotropically convolving a high-resolution displacement map to match normal distribution changes in measured skin samples. We use a 10-micron resolution scanning technique to measure several in vivo skin samples as they are stretched and compressed in different directions, quantifying how stretching smooths the skin and compression makes it rougher. We tabulate the resulting surface normal distributions, and show that convolving a neutral skin microstructure displacement map with blurring and sharpening filters can mimic normal distribution changes and microstructure deformations. We implement the spatially-varying displacement map filtering on the GPU to interactively render the effects of dynamic microgeometry on animated faces obtained from high-resolution facial scans.


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